Just because you can't see it, doesn't mean it isn't there.

Sea Shepherd Global's mission is to uphold conservation law and stop illegal fishing. During our on- and offshore campaigns we encounter abandoned, lost and confiscated fishing gear in abundance. The main purpose for our Ghost Network project is to enable repurposing or recycling of all fishing gear we capture, with proceeds going back to Sea Shepherd.
Ghost Network is about partnerships for the ocean: building a community to clean and protect the ocean, underpinned by action, innovation and regenerative business models. We need thought leaders and expert companies to grow the circular supply chain and invite you to participate or support the movement.

Fishing nets are discarded, abandoned or lost at sea
Some nets drift out to open water and marine life gets entangled
Some nets are caught on the reef smothering coral and killing fish.
Weighed down by dead wildlife, nets sink to the sea floor
Scavengers feed, removing carcasses from nets
Free of weight, nets rise towards the surface

With our IUU patrols including removal of fishing gear, Sea Shepherd defends key spots of biodiversity in the ocean, giving it time to regenerate and repopulate.
Our mission remains focused on these curative measures. In the Ghost Network project we'll be leveraging technology to collect and with partners recycle ALDFG (Abandoned, Lost and Discarded Fishing Gear), following the commandments below.
From the second half of 2023, we'll ask our network to join us in being a catalyst for change, preventing fishing gear from entering the ocean.

our campaigns

Illegal Fishing Campaigns
Partnerships to Protect Africa’s Marine Wildlife.

Operation Siso
The fight against illegal fishing in the Mediterranean Sea.

Monachus Defense Campaign
Protecting Mediterranean Monk Seals in Greece & Italy.

Baltic Sea Campaign
Defending Harbour Porpoises in the Baltic Sea

Turtle Defense Campaign
Protecting turtles in Cabo Verde